
Industry Tips & Insights: B2C

To close off our series of Industry Insights & Tips, we delve into Business 2 Consumer marketing. In this month’s edition we will be bringing special focus to those businesses that service the end consumer.

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To close off our series of Industry Insights & Tips, we delve into Business 2 Consumer marketing. In this month’s edition we will be bringing special focus to those businesses that service the end consumer.

Typical businesses that fall into this category would be home improvement type companies (tilers, roofing, security gates), health care institutes (dentists, physio, gym instructors) and even professional services (tax consultants for personal tax, finance brokers, estate lawyers).

If your business rather sells products to end consumers, then we recommend our blog article for RETAIL.

Even though a lot of the above industries may service business or end consumers, we do find a few differentiating factors: 

  • The path to purchase in B2C is shorter than B2B. There are less decision makers, so generally the person contacting you is also going to be the person making the decision whether to move ahead with your company. 
  • Location tends to matter. Especially when it comes to a service provider that I need to meet face to face, I don’t want to be travelling far to my dentist or car mechanic. I would prefer for them to be close to my home, workplace, or kids school. Therefore, GEO targeting in your marketing is key. 
  • Urgency! Lets be honest, a lot of us are more organised in our work lives than our personal lives. We generally call in the electrician when that loose wire has now shorted out our house, or our DSTV switches off in the middle of the Springboks beating the All Blacks.  

So how does the above translate to your marketing? 

  • Local matters – make sure your Google My Business account is up & running. As well as ensure it is updated with your latest contact details & service offerings. 
  • Get to the point – landing pages work exceptionally well for B2C marketing. Why? Because a landing page is like a onepage website. Instead of giving you loads of information it gets straight to the point and rather gets the end user to contact you to chat about the details. 
  • WhatsApp – it’s a shlep, but we all know that people like to WhatsApp instead of calling. Try out WhatsApp for business where you have automated responses (especially something that sends to the client outside of office hours). We also recommend putting a WhatsApp number on all your marketing channels. 

There are many ways to attract B2C clients, just keep to these simple 3 rules: Keep it local, get to the point, and make it easy for them to contact you. 

Chantelle Bowyer
Business Enquiries
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